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ELK Stack Monitoring for Automated Smart Observability on AWS

Yobitel Communications

elasticsearch stack monitoring
ELK stack monitor and automated smart observability

ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack helps analyze logs with advanced search, visualization, and alerting. Adopting cloud services results in increased log data that needs monitoring and analysis.AWS CloudWatch is a service for aggregating log data with limited analytics capabilities. Yet, setting up an ELK stack requires time and expe rtise. 

A Prebuilt ELK solution optimized for CloudWatch logs accelerates insights without taxing engineering resources. With an integrated data pipeline, CloudWatch logs are automatically shipped to Elasticsearch for storage and indexed for search. Kibana provides an intuitive interface to search logs, build dashboards and alerts, and share insights. 

  • Automated CloudWatch log indexing - Logs are automatically shipped from CloudWatch to Elasticsearch for storage and search indexing detection and mapping of new log types.

  • Optimized storage and search - Elasticsearch clusters offer fast indexing and search with capabilities like sharding. Reliability comes through encryption and replication across zones. Storage scales up and down based on usage.

  • Log parsing with Logstash - Out-of-the-box pipelines parse AWS logs like VPC Flow Logs, ECS, and ALB, into consistent fields/formats for analysis. Adding custom parsing rules to new log types is possible.

  • Visual analytics with Kibana - Interactive dashboards provide insights into trends, outliers, and correlations. Users build custom charts, graphs, and geospatial views and share them securely across teams. 

  • Alerting - Threshold/anomaly detection alerts configured across logs to trigger notifications for events via email, Slack, PagerDuty, etc. 

  • Role-based access control - User roles and permissions allow them access to specific data sets and Kibana dashboard content.

ELK workflow


TAG KEYS & Values: If your application uses multiple services or requires monitoring across various services, it is essential to tag them and enable CloudWatch monitoring. Otherwise, you will need to manually enable tags on cloudwatch.

1. Open the Cloudwatch dashboard and open the Logs groups below the Logs

Adding tags on cloudwatch

2. Open the Cloudwatch Log Groups you want to add and click the Tags section then Add your  Tag KEY and VALUE.

elk stack
Tagged Key and Values

Features offered from our  ELK Stack Monitoring for Automated Smart Observability on AWS 

  1. Automated daily Backup  on S3 named  elasticsearchsnapshotfromelk

  2. Notification based on Priority  through Email

Technical Usage Manual 

Step: 01

1. After subscribing to the AMI for ELK Monitoring Solutions from AWS Marketplace Choose the launch through EC2 and launch

2. It redirects to the launch instance page and then configures the required details i.e., Name, Instance type, Keypair, Network Setting, and configure Storage

ELK Ec2 instance
Launch an ELK EC2 Instance

3. Go to the advanced setting below Configure storage 

iam role
Creating an IAM Role

4. Click Create a New IAM Profile and choose Create Role.

5. On the Select trusted entity page, choose AWS service, select EC2, and click Next.

6. On the Add Permissions page, select the policies:

  • Amazon EC2FullAccess

  • AmazonS3FullAccess

  • AmazonSNSFullAccess

  • AWSLambda_FullAccess

  • CloudWatchFullAccess

  • IAMFullAccess

identity and access management
Adding an permission on IAM

7. Enter a Name and description for the role. Choose Create role.

8. Attach the created role and click Launch instance

9. Go to the EC2 Dashboard and select your created instance. Copy the Public IP

ec2 instance
EC2 Instance dashboard

10. Provide the Public IP in the browser:   Ex:

11. The Login Page appears for ELK Monitoring Solutions.

elk login
ELK login page

Enter Username: kibanaadmin

    To get a Password Connect to an EC2 instance and run  

    sudo cat /home/ubuntu/password.txt

12. After the Login, you are ready to perform your analytics on the ELK application with custom settings. 

elk dashboard
ELK Dashboard

Export Tagged Cloudwatch Logs to ELK


1. Connect to the instance terminal using EC2 Instance Connect 

2. Move to the Ubuntu directory using this command –  sudo su && cd /home/ubuntu/    

3. Open the Editor using this command –  vi tag_data.json  

4. Add the CloudWatch log group TAG KEYS and their VALUES to the tag.json file to export the CloudWatch logs to ELK. Here, we have provided an image for your reference.

elk kibana
Entering Key tag Values

5. If you have multiple tag KEYS&VALUES you should add them like this manually 

6. Save and run the file: --json_file=tag_data.json

7. Cloudwatch Logs will be Started to Export On ELK Stack 

elastic search kibana
Exporting cloudwatch log to ELK

8. After Executing the --json_file=tag_data.json successfully 

Step : 02

SNS configuration for Priority-based alerts using Lambda  

1. Open the Amazon SNS service in your console. There is a topic created with the name ELK_NOTIFICATION. 

AWS SNS Topic creation

ELK_NOTIFICATION and Select Create Subscription 

2. Under Protocol choose the endpoint as Email and enter the Endpoint address, click on Create Subscription. Now, the subscription will be created and the status of the subscription is pending.

sns subscription
SNS Subscription

3. The email will be sent to the subscriber to confirm the subscription. The subscriber has to open the email and click on Confirm Subscription. After this, the subscription will be confirmed.

Confirmation of Subscription

sns alerts
Receiving priority based alerts

4. After the Subscription is Confirmed you will start to receive Priority based  alerts through  Email 

Step : 03

Sheduled Backup on S3 Daily  

1. Now daily logs on Elasticsearch will store snapshots on S3 named elasticsearchsnapshotfromelk 

elk snapshot
ELK snapshot on S3

2. It can be restored anytime even if all the data is lost on  Elastic search 

3. Now you can log in to Kibana Dashboard and create a dashboard with your requirements

Step :04

Creating a Dashboard on Kibana

1. Open the  Kibana Dashboard. Click Create Dashboard.

2. select Create visualization

observability stack
Configuring vertical bar stack

3. Select your created index  on the right corner

4. Set the time filter to Last 90 days

stack monitoring
Filtering Logs using time stamps

5. Drag and drop the fields that are available below the filter by type named under the available fields. Here, for ex:- Select  Message.keyword  Drag into fields

elastic stack observability
Importing logs into dashboard

6. You can also add more fields on available fields and select a list of suggested visualizations as we need

7. Now the logs are in detailed visualization  

kibana dashboard
Creating of Kibana Dashboard

8. To save and view the  fields click the “save and return” option on the right corner of the dashboard

Save With the desired Name for the dashboard

Insights & Support: 

  • For further details about the ELK stack and its uses, refer to the ELK Stack website

  • We will do our best to respond to your questions within the next 24 hours in business days. For any technical support or query, you can drop a mail to

  • Check our other Containerized Cloud-Native application stacks, such as EKS, ECS, Cloud Formation, and AMI - Amazon Machine Images in AWS Marketplace.



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